
Pro-Israel Supporters Utilize AI Tools to Manipulate Online Narratives in Gaza Conflict

Impacts and Experiences of Content Creators

Creators who have experienced the influence of these apps shared their stories. Nys, a content creator on TikTok, expressed her concern over multiple posts being taken down after pro-Israel comments flooded them. She emphasizes that her posts do not contain hate speech. Laura Chung, a content creator and podcaster, believes that a mass reporting campaign initiated by one of these apps led to the removal of her TikTok account. Chung had been creating educational pro-Palestine content that gained significant popularity.

Joan Donovan, an expert in disinformation and propaganda and an assistant professor of journalism at Boston University, highlighted the significance of these apps in the ongoing propaganda battle surrounding Israel’s actions in Gaza. Donovan stressed the need for social media companies to monitor and address their use, stating that platforms have become battlegrounds for cyber troops and citizens using AI-enhanced bots.

The Role of Apps and Their Functionality

The Moovers app plays a significant role in amplifying Israel’s voice on social media. Acting as an aggregator, it pulls alleged pro-Palestinian content from Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and other platforms. Users can easily report or comment on this content, contributing to the app’s mission of advocating for Israel.

Leaders, an Israeli influencer marketing firm, contacted content creators in the United States in December, offering payment for promoting Moovers on Instagram. Another app, Words of Iron, functions similarly by collecting anti-Israel posts and mobilizing users to mass report them. It also provides progress reports to users, gamifying the experience and urging increased engagement.

The implications of these apps are not limited to pro-Palestinian content alone. Some posts brought to users’ attention by Words of Iron incited reports against content creator Rosy Pirani, who shared a Christmas Day message stating that Jesus was Palestinian. As a result, Pirani’s posts were restricted, banned from certain sections, and demonetized.

Furthermore, Project Truth offers users a response to any tweet critical of Israel. This pre-written “fact check” response can be easily copied and pasted to counter these tweets.

The Disruptive Impact on Authenticity and Integrity

These apps have raised concerns about the authenticity of content on social media platforms. Nora Benavidez from Free Press emphasizes that these tools undermine authenticity and make it challenging for users to discern real interactions and genuine content on their feeds. It is essential for platforms to address this issue and ensure integrity within their networks.

Emerson T. Brooking, a former cyber policy advisor to the Defense Department, warns that these apps specifically target American speech and aim to enlist American users. This tactic sets Israel’s use of these tools apart from how other nations have employed similar methods. The number of users involved with these apps remains uncertain, and new apps with similar functionalities continuously emerge.

Content creators with large followings, such as Ameer Al-Khatahtbeh and Leslie Priscilla, have experienced the impact of these apps firsthand. Flooded with what appears to be automated bot comments within minutes of posting, they both face the constant risk of account deletion and the challenge of navigating platforms’ community guidelines to avoid violations.

The Need for Technological Solutions

Given the persistence of citizen-led propaganda campaigns, it is crucial for technology companies to develop effective strategies to counter the use of such tools. Disinformation expert Joan Donovan urges tech companies to support credible news sources universally, fostering an informed public. Israel’s tech industry, known for its technological advancements, has long dedicated efforts to shape online discussions regarding the country’s policies. This includes the establishment of the online campaign 4IL (“For Israel”) in 2017, designed to promote Israel’s cause and undermine the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement on social media.

To comply with platforms’ terms of service, which allow content copying and reporting for review, the use of these tools currently remains within acceptable boundaries. However, as the influence of these apps continues to grow, it is imperative for social media platforms to develop stronger defense mechanisms against their manipulation and monitor their impact on online discourse.



