
Tesla Defies Expectations, Solidifies Position as Reliable Automaker

A Triumph in Price Competition

At the start of the year, Tesla’s price reductions created anxiety among investors as the profit margins of the company’s leading automotive division were eroded. These margins had historically been used to justify Tesla’s market value surpassing that of the traditional automotive industry.

Competitors such as Ford, GM, and Mercedes-Benz, struggling to make progress in the electric vehicle (EV) market, warned investors about the challenges they encountered. While legacy car companies grappled with their EV ambitions, Tesla possessed the advantage of pricing its cars suitably for the market while maintaining profitability in the battery-powered vehicle sector, something its competitors had yet to achieve.

The Cybertruck Revives Enthusiasm

Throughout the year, Tesla focused on typical operations such as vehicle discounts and manufacturing improvements. However, the November launch of the Cybertruck injected much-needed excitement into the company. Months of anticipation and speculation created a buzz around the unconventional truck’s final design.

Although the launch event may have disappointed some of Tesla’s fervent supporters, the Cybertruck reinvigorated the aging vehicle lineup. Increased competition in the EV market caused Tesla to lose market share for the first time. Nevertheless, Deutsche Bank predicts that Tesla will end the year with 1.8 million vehicles sold, a nearly 38% increase from the previous year and a target set by Musk himself.

The Trials of Musk

While Tesla adopted a more conventional approach to business, Musk’s unpredictable behavior continued to make headlines in 2023. Controversial incidents at X spilled over to Tesla, adversely affecting the company’s reputation and investor sentiment. Musk’s endorsement of an antisemitic post on X resulted in a rapid outcry from fans and investors alike, prompting many to distance themselves from Tesla.

At the Dealbook conference in November, Musk once again courted controversy, this time directing vulgar language toward X advertisers. Meanwhile, the Cybertruck delivery event failed to live up to expectations, further intensifying criticism of Musk. Despite these challenges, Tesla remained in a league of its own, with no competitor coming close to challenging its dominance in the EV market.



