
Cisco to Acquire Isovalent: Strengthening Cloud-Native Security and Networking Strategy

Isovalent’s Contribution to eBPF and Cilium

Isovalent has made significant contributions to the development of eBPF, a crucial open-source technology that provides developers with profound insights into the operating system layer, including Linux and Windows. Additionally, the startup has created Cilium, another noteworthy open-source project that offers visibility into cloud-native applications.

Enhancing Application-Network Interaction

Gillis emphasized the importance of observing application-network interaction within the cloud infrastructure. With Cilium’s capabilities, Cisco can intercept and examine traffic between containers and gain insights into the inner workings of the operating system. This platform facilitates connectivity and enables Cisco to determine if specific clusters should communicate with one another.

It’s noteworthy that Cilium serves as the default connectivity and security component for major platforms like Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Anthos, and Amazon EKS Anywhere. Such prominence indicates its significance within the cloud-native ecosystem.

Community and Open-Source Contributions

Acquiring a startup built on popular open-source projects often raises concerns within the community and among large companies relying on the software. Isovalent plays key roles in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and the eBPF Foundation, making significant code contributions.

Gillis stressed the importance of community support and the continuous embrace of Cilium and eBPF. Their widespread adoption contributes to their robustness and effectiveness. He likened the situation to Kubernetes, an open standard created by Google that facilitates innovation and collaboration across the industry.

Jeetu Patel, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Security and Collaboration at Cisco, emphasized the value of collaboration, particularly in the realm of security. Recognizing that the true enemy is the common adversary, Patel believes that the industry should work together and remain open to co-innovation. Open source serves as an ideal model for fostering collaboration and driving innovation.

It’s worth noting that Cisco had prior knowledge of Isovalent, as it participated in the startup’s Series A funding round, followed by their involvement in the Series B round in 2022, alongside other strategic investors such as Microsoft, Google, and Grafana Labs.

This acquisition marks Cisco’s 11th this year and its fifth in the realm of security, highlighting the company’s aggressive acquisition strategy.

By revamping their cloud-native security and networking capabilities through the Isovalent acquisition, Cisco aims to solidify its market position while fostering innovation and collaboration within the industry.



