
White House Urges Government Employees to Rent Electric Vehicles and Take Rail Trips to Cut Emissions

Reducing Emissions and Promoting Sustainability

Washington D.C. – In a move aimed at sharply reducing emissions, the White House has recommended that U.S. federal employees opt for electric vehicles (EVs) and rail trips whenever possible during government travel. According to a statement released on Thursday, U.S. government employees spent a staggering $2.8 billion on official travel in 2022, taking over 2.8 million flights, renting 2.3 million vehicles, and undertaking 33,000 rail trips.

Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Brenda Mallory, emphasized the benefits of this initiative, stating, “The federal government will save taxpayers money, reduce emissions, strengthen our growing electric vehicle industry, and create good-paying union jobs.”

Biden’s Executive Order for Electric Vehicle Adoption

This latest recommendation aligns with President Biden’s vision outlined in an executive order issued in December 2021. The order directed the government to cease purchasing gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and called for all light-duty federal acquisitions to be electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles by 2027.

As part of the ongoing efforts to embrace sustainable transportation, the federal government has already acquired over 14,000 zero-emission vehicles and installed 5,500 charging ports. “We’re making steady progress,” assured the White House.

Promoting Cost-Effective and Sustainable Choices

With more than 650,000 vehicles owned by the U.S. government and around 50,000 new acquisitions annually, federal employees have been issued a directive specifying the preferred modes of transportation. The memo instructs employees to rent EVs for official travel when their costs are equal to or lower than comparable gas-powered vehicles and charging infrastructure is accessible.

Furthermore, rail travel is encouraged for trips covering distances of fewer than 250 miles (402 km) if it proves to be cost-effective and feasible, rather than opting for air travel. The directive also discourages the use of private vehicles for official travel.

Fostering Sustainable Aviation Initiatives

To complement these efforts, the Biden administration intends to develop a sustainable aviation strategic plan that will require airlines to submit details regarding fuel and operational efficiency initiatives, including investments in sustainable aviation fuel.

Last year alone, the federal government spent $1.66 billion on flights and $4.2 million on rail trips. By recommending eco-friendly travel options, the White House aims to curtail emissions while simultaneously achieving savings for taxpayers.



