
BP Collaborates with EPA to Clean Up 25,000-Gallon Gasoline Spill in Washington State

Cleanup Efforts Underway

BP has been actively working alongside the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and local officials to address the aftermath of a significant gasoline spill from its Olympic Pipeline, situated near Mount Vernon in Washington state. The spill, estimated to be around 25,000 gallons, occurred due to a tubing failure within a concrete vault connecting one of the pipelines to a pressure sensor.

Environmental Impact and Recovery

As of the latest update on Wednesday, approximately 7,000 gallons of the spilled gasoline have been effectively recovered. Unfortunately, the incident has resulted in the loss of wildlife, including one American beaver, one pine siskin bird, and one mallard duck. To mitigate the environmental impact, around 2,100 feet (640 meters) of boom have been deployed to contain the spill.

No Immediate Threat to Skagit River

Fortunately, no signs of gasoline or sheen have been observed on the Skagit River as a result of the spill. State Route 534 has also reopened to one-way traffic after necessary precautions were taken. This encouraging development is a testament to the prompt actions taken by both BP (NYSE: BP) and the EPA.

Past Incidents and Safety Measures

It is worth noting that the Olympic Pipeline had previously experienced a rupture in June 1999, resulting in the release of over 230,000 gallons of gasoline. This incident caused a fire near Bellingham, Washington, claiming the lives of three individuals. Similarly, in April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion, operated by BP, led to the largest oil spill in U.S. history. This catastrophic event claimed the lives of 11 rig workers and inflicted $70 billion in damages.

By actively collaborating with authorities and implementing safety measures, BP aims to address the current spill and prevent similar incidents in the future. The company remains committed to upholding stringent environmental standards throughout its operations.



