
Retail Industry Fights French Law Limiting Supermarkets’ Discounts in Europe

Challenges and Pricing Negotiations

The constraints imposed by the Descrozaille law have intensified pricing negotiations, resulting in frequent breakdowns in discussions between grocers and consumer goods firms. Retailers like Carrefour have accused various packaged food and drink companies of unjustified price increases, exacerbating the conflict.

Retailers Voice Concerns Over Bargaining Power

The Descrozaille law, positioned as a measure to safeguard small suppliers, has elicited concerns over the long-term impact on retailers’ bargaining power. Carrefour and other retailers fear that the restriction on discounts effectively undermines their ability to negotiate better deals and maintain healthy profit margins.

As retailers grapple with the consequences of the law, tensions between retailers and consumer goods firms continue to rise. Supermarkets, desperate to manage costs and mitigate the effects of inflation, are met with resistance from manufacturers and suppliers seeking to protect their bottom line. This clash of interests risks further distorting the balance of power within the retail market.

In response to EuroCommerce’s complaint to the European Commission, the industry will be watching closely to see how this issue progresses. With multiple stakeholders involved, the outcome of this dispute will have far-reaching implications for the retail landscape in France and potentially impact the broader European market.



