
Google Cloud Joins XPLA as Volunteer Validator to Accelerate Web3 Games

Optimism and Growth Potential: Google Cloud’s Role

Jack Buser, General Director of Google Cloud Game Industry Solutions, expressed optimism about the collaboration, emphasizing the company’s desire to accelerate the growth and innovation of Web3 games using the secure and high-performance Google Cloud infrastructure.

XPLA operates on the Tendermint protocol, which powers the Cosmos network. Furthermore, it is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, highlighting its flexibility in supporting various blockchain technologies. Notable games running on the XPLA network include The Walking Dead: All-Stars, Summoner’s War: Chronicles, and Ace Fishing: Crew. These games, based on existing intellectual properties, have been adapted for the “play-to-own” model in the blockchain gaming space.

XPLA’s Transformation and Google Cloud’s Commitment to Blockchain

Previously known as C2X on the Terra network, XPLA underwent a significant overhaul following the collapse of the UST and LUNA tokens in May 2022. As a result, the XPLA network was launched in August 2022, marking a fresh start for the platform. In addition to Google Cloud, metaverse investor Animoca Brands and mobile game developer Gumi serve as other XPLA validators.

Paul Kim, the Team Lead of XPLA, expressed delight in welcoming Google Cloud as a new validator, emphasizing the shared vision of shaping a transparent Web3 ecosystem.

Google Cloud’s involvement in various blockchain networks, such as Solana, Tezos, Aptos, Polygon, and Celo, demonstrates its broader commitment to the blockchain space. Moreover, the company has partnered with Coinbase to enable cryptocurrency payments, showcasing its multifaceted approach to engaging with the crypto and blockchain community.

Driving Advancements in Decentralized Technologies and Gaming

This collaboration aims to provide additional benefits for cryptocurrency firms in coordination with networks like Solana, Aptos, Near, and Hedera. By implementing such programs, Google Cloud positions itself as a significant contributor to the growth of Web3 startups and the evolution of the decentralized internet.

As the blockchain space progresses, partnerships like these pave the way for exciting advancements in decentralized technologies and gaming experiences.



