
Google’s Bard AI Launch Goes Awry, Draws Criticism from Employees and Investors

Launch of Google’s Bard AI Chatbot Receives Criticism from Staff

Even Google’s own staff members criticized the tech giant’s AI chatbot Bard after its introduction. Employees described the deployment as “rushed,” “botched,” and “un-Googley” on internal message boards as a result of the much-anticipated competitor to the Microsoft-backed ChatGPT chatbot failing to deliver during its presentation on Monday, according to CNBC.

Memegen Posts Show Workers’ Discontent with Launch

On Google’s internal forum, Memegen, the criticism was presented through memes. One person said in the caption of a meme of CEO Sundar Pichai, “Sundar, the Bard launch and the layoffs were hastily, poorly, and narrowly planned. Please resume adopting a long-term perspective.” In another article, it was stated that the company’s decision to fire 12,000 employees last month had increased the stock by 3% but one hurried AI presentation had decreased it by 8%.

Alphabet’s Shares Fall After Launch

Alphabet, the parent company of Google, had its shares plunge 7% since Monday, resulting in a $100 billion market value loss in a single day. Investors expressed suspicion in the wake of the Bard launch because to the lack of information in the presentation regarding the chatbot’s integration with Google’s search engine. Microsoft’s Bing browser already includes the ChatGPT chatbot in the meanwhile.

Untimely Reaction During Launch Event

Bard answered a question from the company’s advertisement displaying the chatbot’s skills incorrectly during the launch event. The chatbot incorrectly said that JWST was used to capture the first images of a planet outside of our solar system; in fact, the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory captured the first such images in 2004.



