
French President Macron Objects to Trade Deal with Mercosur Amidst Farmers’ Protests

French Farmers’ Reservations and the EU’s Response

A senior advisor to Macron informed reporters ahead of the EU summit, stating that Macron had firmly reiterated to the Commission the impracticality of concluding discussions under the current conditions. The advisor went on to assert that the EU comprehends the infeasibility of reaching an agreement within this framework and has suspended negotiations with Mercosur countries. Additionally, the advisor revealed that the EU has instructed its negotiators to terminate the ongoing negotiation sessions taking place in Brazil. Consequently, the scheduled visit of the Commission’s vice-president to Brazil has been canceled.

Responding to these developments, the Commission mentioned that technical experts from the EU and Mercosur remain in contact, with meetings taking place between January 25-26 in Brazil. However, certain significant issues still require resolution. A spokesperson emphasized that the EU’s primary focus is to ensure that the agreement aligns with the EU’s sustainability objectives while respecting the agricultural sector’s sensitivities.

France’s Persistent Concerns and the Status of the Negotiations

France has consistently expressed reservations regarding the EU-Mercosur deal, which was agreed upon in 2019 after two decades of intermittent negotiations. Talks were resumed after the EU sought assurances from Mercosur countries on climate change and deforestation. Mercosur comprises Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Brazil’s foreign ministry declined to comment on Macron’s statements, reiterating that negotiations occur between Mercosur and the European Commission, rather than individual countries or presidents.

Trade negotiators from the EU and Mercosur convened in Brasilia for two days last week. However, according to a diplomat familiar with the talks, there was limited progress, and the possibility of concluding the deal before the upcoming ministerial meetings of the World Trade Organization (WTO) next month seems doubtful.



