
Forbes Union Rallies Against Management and Stalling Negotiations, Stages Walk-Out

Journalists’ Walk-Out in Response to Alleged Management Tactics

Unionized journalists at Forbes have taken the unprecedented step of commencing a three-day walk-out in response to what they perceive as management’s disregard for their rights and deliberate delays during contract negotiations. According to Andrea Murphy, unit chair and statistics editor for Forbes, management’s primary objective seems to be prolonging and obstructing the negotiation process while attempting to prevent protected union activities. Murphy emphasizes the need to address this disrespectful behavior promptly.

The NewsGuild of New York, which advocates for over 6,000 media professionals and employees at New York-based news establishments, accuses management of engaging in “union-busting behavior” since the certification of the Forbes Union. While Forbes claims to be actively working towards a collective bargaining agreement with the guild, the guild filed an unfair labor practice charge on behalf of the Forbes Union on Thursday. This move echoes the recent actions of Washington Post journalists, who staged a 24-hour strike due to protracted contract discussions and personnel reductions.

Journalists at Forbes Take Unprecedented Action with Three-Day Walk-Out

In an extraordinary turn of events, unionized journalists at Forbes have initiated a three-day walk-out to challenge what they perceive as a denial of their rights and sluggish contract negotiations that have extended beyond a two-year timeframe. Andrea Murphy, Forbes’ unit chair and statistics editor, asserts that management’s sole interest appears to be delaying, stalling, and obstructing the negotiation process while also attempting to hinder protected union action. This unprecedented step aims to demonstrate their refusal to tolerate such disrespectful treatment during negotiations.

The NewsGuild of New York, representing almost 6,000 media professionals and other staff within New York’s news organizations, highlights management’s persistent “union-busting behavior” since the formation of the Forbes Union. Forbes maintains that they are actively engaged in productive discussions with the guild to establish a collective bargaining agreement. Consequently, the guild retaliated by submitting an unfair labor practice charge against the company on behalf of the Forbes Union. This walk-out follows a similar action taken by journalists at the Washington Post, who held a 24-hour strike in response to protracted contract talks and workforce reductions.



