
Epic Games Store Breaks Barriers with Adults Only Rating for Blockchain Games

A Positive Move Towards Mainstream Acceptance

Justin Edwards, head of gaming at Telos, believes that Epic Games’ decision is a positive step towards gaining mainstream acceptance and adoption of web3 games. Edwards stated, “There has been quite a bit of tension and resistance around web3 gaming from the more traditional gaming industry. This move by Epic is a step in the right direction toward mainstream acceptance and adoption, while also enhancing the legitimacy of web3 games.”

Justin Hulog, chief studio officer at Immutable Games, expressed his satisfaction with the decision, stating, “We are pleased with the Epic Game Store’s decision to allow ‘Gods Unchained’ back on the platform. We look forward to ongoing conversations with ratings boards and distribution platforms, like Epic Games Store.”

ESRB and the Challenges of Blockchain Gaming

Jacobc.eth, founder and CEO of game launcher HyperPlay, pointed out that the ESRB’s classification of web3 games as “Adults Only” may be stifling innovation in the gaming industry. He believes that the ESRB’s blanket policy is unfairly de-platforming an entire sector of games without truly understanding the technology and its potential.

The ESRB responded by clarifying that blockchain-enabled games may receive an “Adults Only” rating category assignment if they offer real-world rewards or virtual currencies that hold real value. However, they emphasized that the rating is not a requirement for all blockchain games and depends on how such features are implemented.

Many industry experts argue that it is crucial to update the ESRB’s policies to accommodate the advancements in web3 gaming. Mark Long, CEO of the blockchain game “Shrapnel,” expressed his belief that developers must collaborate with the ESRB to challenge the “Adults Only” rating assigned to web3 games. He emphasized the need to focus on game design and gameplay rather than monetary gains.

By embracing blockchain games and reevaluating rating policies, gaming platforms like Epic Games aim to foster innovation and expand opportunities for the growing web3 gaming sector.




