
Trump Criticizes Record Stock Market as Biden’s Inflation Crisis Looms

Trump Takes Aim at Biden’s Administration

Former President Donald Trump, currently the leading contender for the 2024 Republican nomination, made scathing remarks on Sunday about the record highs of the stock markets, stating that they were only benefitting the already affluent. Trump had previously foretold that if Democratic President Joe Biden were to win the 2020 White House race, the markets would plummet. Nonetheless, during his own presidency from 2017 to 2021, Trump often boasted about the soaring stock market.

Expounding on the stock market’s surge, Trump, a self-proclaimed billionaire, addressed his supporters in Reno, Nevada, attempting to put a populist and anti-Biden spin on the matter. Trump stated, “The stock market is making rich people richer.” He also criticized the Biden administration’s handling of inflation, claiming that it was eroding savings and destroying dreams. Trump seems to be gearing up for a potential rematch with Biden in the upcoming 2024 Presidential election.

Trump Casts Doubt on the State of the Economy

Despite recent declines in inflation, wage increases, and low unemployment, Trump painted a grim picture of the current state of the nation’s economy. He described it as a “cesspool” on the verge of collapse. Republican voters are set to begin selecting their 2024 Presidential nominee in Iowa on January 15, followed by voting in other states. Trump, holding a rally in Nevada, highlighted his strong lead in both national and state polls, despite being entangled in legal issues and facing over 90 criminal charges this year.

However, a CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday revealed that Trump’s closest rival, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, showed a significant surge in popularity in New Hampshire, the second state to vote on January 23. While Trump still holds 44% support among likely Republican primary voters in the Granite State, Haley has gained ground with 29% support. Trump singled out Haley during his Nevada speech, suggesting that she posed a more formidable threat to his nomination than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, whose popularity has waned in recent polls.

Citing other polls where he maintains a more substantial lead over Haley, Trump disparagingly asked, “Nikki Haley – where’s the surge?”



