
Buffett-approved growth: Amazon, the Undervalued Titan in Berkshire’s Portfolio

Buffett’s Investing Style: Quality and Value

Warren Buffett, the legendary investor, focuses on companies that exhibit consistent earnings growth, backed by a strong business moat. He takes the time to thoroughly analyze annual reports before considering a stock’s valuation. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate manages a portfolio of carefully selected stocks that have passed rigorous quality checks.

Apple: A Better Business Than Any We Own

Despite Berkshire’s reputation for conservative investments, its largest holding is Apple, accounting for 49% of the portfolio. Buffett recognizes Apple’s unparalleled brand loyalty, and its innovative products have captured the market’s attention. Although the technology sector may not seem aligned with Buffett’s traditional style, he appreciates the empire Steve Jobs built and believes in Apple’s long-term potential.

Looking Beyond Apple: A Hidden Gem

While Apple dominates Berkshire’s holdings, there is a lesser-known stock that represents only 0.4% of the portfolio but shows strong growth potential. Among Berkshire’s diverse stock list, this particular stock stands out as a hyper-growth opportunity. And you’ll be familiar with Berkshire’s favorite pick for high-growth investment.

Amazon, with its trillion-dollar market cap, has established itself as a true business titan. Although Apple and Amazon target similar consumer markets, they compete in different areas, such as smart devices and video streaming services. Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, ingrained a “Day One” mentality into the company’s culture, fostering a start-up atmosphere even as it grows exponentially. Over the past five years, Amazon’s revenue has grown at an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24%, surpassing Apple’s 8% CAGR.

Growth Prospects: Retail and Artificial Intelligence

Looking ahead, both Apple and Amazon are set to benefit from economic growth, with their retail sales expected to soar. However, Amazon also enjoys a significant advantage in the rapidly expanding field of artificial intelligence (AI) due to its dominance in high-performance cloud computing. This positions Amazon as a frontrunner, while Apple trails behind.

Undervalued Stock: Amazon’s Opportunity

Despite its remarkable sales growth and untapped potential in AI, Amazon’s stock appears undervalued compared to Apple’s. While Berkshire’s investment in Apple is expected to perform well over time, it won’t likely experience the explosive growth associated with parabolic rises. Conversely, Amazon offers a compelling growth opportunity that’s seemingly overlooked by the market. For investors seeking Buffett-approved growth stocks, Amazon deserves immediate consideration.

Conclusion: Amazon’s Time to Shine

Warren Buffett regrets not investing in Amazon earlier. Still, he recognizes that starting a position in this undervalued and exceptional growth stock is a wise move, regardless of the timing. With Amazon’s unstoppable sales growth and unexplored potential in AI, it represents an excellent opportunity for investors looking for long-term value.



