
China’s RealDID Blockchain Initiative Raises Concerns About Privacy and Government Control


China’s national-level blockchain initiative, the Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Security, has made a groundbreaking announcement. They intend to leverage blockchain technology to verify the real-name identities of China’s extensive population of 1.4 billion people. The initiative, called RealDID, aims to enhance online security and data privacy, but it has spurred concerns among privacy advocates worldwide.

Enhancing Security and Privacy

RealDID is designed to segregate personal information from business data and transactions, enhancing security and privacy in the digital realm. This unique approach addresses the potential risks associated with online identity verification.

China’s dominant social media platforms, including WeChat, Sina Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Bilibili, and Xiaohongshu, have mandated that content creators with significant followings disclose their real names or the names of their financial supporters. The adoption of RealDID is expected to streamline and secure the real-name verification process, establishing greater trust in these platforms.

According to an official release from BSN, RealDID is the world’s first national-level decentralized identity system. This groundbreaking development demonstrates China’s commitment to leveraging blockchain technology for societal betterment and online security.

The BSN China initiative is a collaborative effort led by China’s National Information Center, with prominent tech giants such as China Mobile and China UnionPay as partners. BSN Global manages the international operations independently, implementing stringent security measures.

While RealDID holds significant promise for online security and data privacy, it also raises concerns among privacy advocates. The use of blockchain technology for national-level identity verification raises questions about mass surveillance and government control over individuals’ online activities.

The implementation of RealDID has the potential to shape global discussions on identity verification and data privacy. As the world’s most populous nation adopts this cutting-edge technology, other countries may look to China as a model for secure and efficient identity verification systems.




